The Hero's Journey
Consider for a moment some diverse characters - Katniss Everdeen, Luke Skywalker, Tripitaka and Galahad from the King Arthur legends....
The behavioural styles of some famous people
What are the Belbin Team Role styles that have contributed most to the successes and failures of some famous people? You may or may not...
Meerkat Moments help make healthy teams
Leaders and Teams can learn something about cognitive bias and situational awareness from Meerkat behaviour. These cute little animals...
Behaviour is our Frenemy
Our workplace behaviour serves as a window into our strengths and weaknesses as a leader or team member. There are valuable strengths and...
From the brain to the team
Sabre's and Belbin Australia MD Talan Miller has just had this article on how neuroscience can better inform team development published...
Strength based approaches for youth leadership development
In an increasingly volatile world it's of great benefit for young people to understand how their behavioral strengths and weaknesses will...
The neuroscience of leadership
Working with the brain in mind helps us to build better leaders, teams and relationships. Emerging neuroscience is exploring the impacts...
Sustainable innovation is a whole team affair
What can we learn from Start-ups about innovative ‘disruption’, and defending against ‘disruption’? The Belbin team has recently explored...
Building psychological safety within teams
Recent research into team dynamics (by everyone from Google to Harvard) has confirmed, once again, that ‘psychological safety’ is a...
A global language for teamwork
During 25 years of international team development we have found that whilst the scenery and language may change, the people really don’t....